Brian Crisp
Staff/Community Pastor
Favorite quote or bible verse?
Jer 29:11
If you were a superhero, what superpower would you have?
If I were a superhero my superpower would be ninja skills because I can slip up on you when you least expect it.
When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was 5, I was pretty sure I had no idea what I would be when I grew up.
What’s the most favorite part of your job?
get to do this with a group of truly awesome people that want to see the Kingdom and lives changed!
What other staff member do you want to be like when you grow up? Why?
Kris Craig – so I can eat anything I want and still wear skinny jeans.
What does Revolution mean to you?
A group of people that love and support each other and then reach out to our community to do the same!