Welcome to the FAM!

FAM stands for Foster and Adoption Ministry. FAM’s mission is to serve, equip, and wraparound foster and adoptive children and families. Our vision is to serve children displaced from their homes and the foster, kinship, and adoptive families who provide care, support, and love.

FAM seeks to accomplish 5 things

1. Serve vulnerable foster and adoptive children

FAM is dedicated to helping foster and adoptive children overcome challenges and thrive in their environments.

2. License and resource foster and adoptive parents

FAM is dedicated to walking parents through the steps and various resources to ensure that they are well-prepared and supported on their journey.

3. Wraparound foster and adoptive families

By working with various organizations to provide a wraparound support, FAM aims to address the diverse and complex needs of foster and adoptive families, promoting stability, healing, and growth for everyone involved.

4. Support and disciple families in crisis

FAM effectively supports and disciples families in crisis, helping them navigate their challenges in community with resilience and faith.

5. Educate the church and community on orphan care

We know the need is great, and we’re helping others understand this through educational materials, guest speakers, fundraising, awareness campaigns, and special services and events.