404 Error

What is a 404 Error?

A 404 Error, also known as “404 Not Found,” is a standard HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) response status code indicating that the server could not find the requested resource. Here’s a breakdown of what this means:

Understanding a 404 Error

  • What it signifies: The 404 error message indicates that the web server can communicate with the client (usually a web browser), but it cannot find the file or page that the client requested. This typically happens when the URL is incorrect, the page has been moved or deleted, or the link is broken.
  • Common causes:
    • Mistyped URL: The user may have entered an incorrect web address.
    • Moved or deleted content: The page may have been moved to a different URL or removed from the website entirely.
    • Broken links: Links on a website that point to a page that no longer exists.
    • Outdated links: Links that were once valid but the page has since been removed or relocated.