Special Needs

Psalm 139:14

I will praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well

Welcome to Special Needs Ministry

The Special Needs Ministry at Revolution Church exists to provide the environment and opportunity for each and every individual living with or alongside disability to know, respond to, worship, and grow faith in God through Jesus Christ and live in community with one another. 

Every person is perfectly made by God and bears His image.

We want children and adults with special needs to have an opportunity to worship and serve the Lord to their full potential.

We provide:

Sunday Morning Support

We provide strategic support for children and adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism. Our support includes specifically designed environments, and buddies to partner with children, youth, and adults.

Adults meet during the 8:30 worship service in Modular A.
Contact Missy Hearon at mhearons3@gmail.com


Children and youth meet during both the 8:30 and 10:00 worship hours in Modular A.
Contact Shari Cate at shari.cate@gmail.com

Our Team

Shari Cate and Missy Hearon

Serving our special needs adults.

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